Mad Hatter Treasure Hunt


Don’t be late for this very important date!! 

The Heart of Norcross is hosting a Mad Hatter Treasure Hunt on Saturday, April 24th from 12-5 PM. 

Dress up in your favorite Alice in Wonderland costume, bring your friends, family, or neighbors and come hunt in each participating business to find the hidden treasure! By completing a bingo card and solving riddles, you will be entered to win a big Heart of Norcross Basket with discounts, gifts, and gift cards!

How to play:

  1. Dress up in your favorite costume

  2. Pick up your bingo card from any participating store

  3. Hunt in each marked store to hunt for the marked items to get a stamp. Along the way find clues to solve riddles.

  4. Turn your complete card + riddles in to be entered to win the BIG Heart of Norcross Gift Basket.

Also— the Mad Hatter, Alice, and The Queen of Hearts will be in town from 12-5 for photo opportunities and fun. 

Make sure to mark this on your calendar and plan to attend this fun event!